The Money Story (The Greedy Merchant) The Curse of the Golden Coin Long ago, in a small village nestled between mountains, there was a merchant named Raghav. He was known for his cunning mind and immense wealth. But there was something unsettling about Raghav. He never seemed satisfied. No matter how much money he had, it was never enough. One fateful evening, as he was walking through the forest after a long day of trading, Raghav came across an old, haggard woman sitting by a fire. She looked like she hadn’t eaten in days, her clothes torn and ragged. The firelight flickered eerily in her hollow eyes. “Please, kind merchant, can you spare me some food?” she asked in a raspy voice. Raghav, however, was no fool. He saw only an opportunity. “Food? For a beggar like you? No,” he
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