Live session on Telegram Prepaid task Scam online part-time job fraud telegram welfare task scam telegram group scam telegram Prepaid task scam telegram crypto scam WhatsApp online job scam telegram group fake crypto group telegram receptionist scam Paid YouTube subscribe scam one YouTube subscribe 50 rupees @AjeyTalks @ashutoshjha5532 @cnnnews18 @CyberSuraksha @TechnicalGuruji @AbhiandNiyu @dhruvrathee In this task @dhruvrathee your YouTube channel was also given to Subscribe I request to our responsible YouTubers to please spread awareness on this Scam. They told to do prepaid task by paying 5000 they give us link of Crypto website called Coins & add money to it. And tell to trade for 3 mins and they gain trust first time and give
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