20 Nov 2014 Bitcoin Foundation to focus on Core Development — Bitcoin Black Friday! — War on Bitcoin? Sponsored by Donate: https://blockchain.info/address/1LAYuQq6f11HccBgbe6bx8DiwKwzuYkPR3 Subscribe: Sponsor: … Related Posts:Make Money Online - Live AMA + Black Friday SaleBiggest Black Friday Ever! What It Means for Digital…Crypto Mining AMA Kaspa, Zephyr, Black Friday Hash
Robert Hartley says November 20, 2014 at 1:07 pm Falkvinge lays out the war that’s upon us. They will not go quietly into the night. They will rage against their irrelevance, and their captives will defend them because it’s all they have known for generations. Reply
Dustin Hinrichs says November 20, 2014 at 1:35 pm new tighter intro is good, you should use the white space to do some Colbert’s The Wørd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurring_segments_on_The_Colbert_Report#The_W.C3.B8rd Reply
Falkvinge lays out the war that’s upon us. They will not go quietly into
the night. They will rage against their irrelevance, and their captives
will defend them because it’s all they have known for generations.
new tighter intro is good, you should use the white space to do some
Colbert’s The Wørd